8/20/2024, By Arastu (Capt.) Mahboob Husain DVM, India
The recent course in Equine Gnathology was truly enlightening, offering invaluable insights into how dental care can significantly enhance horses' lives and performance. Special commendation is due to Dale Jeffrey for his outstanding contributions to the field. His keen observations on equine mastication and biomechanics were particularly impressive.
Dale's passion for dental history and his extensive knowledge of dental techniques, tools, and literature were evident throughout the course. The museum display, featuring a vast collection of fossils, historic dental instruments, and horse bits, greatly enriched the learning process. Additionally, the historical horse wagons from the Old West, including a veterinary doctor wagon and fossilized horse remains, provided a captivating glimpse into the past. Together, these elements created a comprehensive and engaging educational event.
The instructors, Deebra Mobley and Manou Van Rooij, approached teaching with dedication and meticulousness, further enhancing the course's effectiveness. Dale's hospitality also played a significant role in making the overall experience enjoyable.
Thank you for this remarkable opportunity!
Arastu (Capt.) Mahboob Husain DVM, India
June 2024 class was a great one! We had an amazing group coming from South Africa, Alaska, Dubai, Alberta, New Zealand, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, California and Texas. We also welcomed many new horse owners and thank them for bringing over 70 horses for us to work on. In this class, Phillip Arnold certified on 4 horses. Declan Grimley, from South Africa Certified at the Advanced level on 4 horses, Keara Hansen Certified on 1 horse, and Andrew Portch was certified as a Master Dentist. In addition, the entire class attended an anatomy dissection. Where an old school horse was able to teach, just one more time.
Way to go class!
January 2024 class was a success considering middle of winter. Quite a few of our horses for the second week were not able to get here because of the snow. Thanks to our rancher friends from outlying areas that were brave enough to load up and trailer in giving students plenty of work. We had a great April class with two of our women Master dentists instructing from Alaska and Portugal. Our weekend dissection class went well and our wet lab sessions were great where we worked on more than 60 head of horses with many challenging cases.
We just finished our October sessions with a great class working on over 60 head of horses with a large variety of cases and varying situations. Thank you to all the owners who brought stock to the school for continued maintenance. Work was accomplished under the supervision of our staff veterinarian, Randy Harney DVM. Madison Armstrong certified on four head of horses, one in each of the required age groups. Freya Streng certified on four head of horses, one in each of the four required age groups and received her advanced certificate completing all required curriculum. Manou van Rooij completed her advanced certification in prior classes and went on to receive her mas
ter's certification by completing all required curriculum and certifying on four head of horses in each of the required age groups. Congratulations to everyone on all the good work and accomplishments. January classes are looking good with six new students on board and several advanced students returning for training. Best wishes for the new year from the EGTI staff.
9 11 2023
We held our first August class this year. It was a small group but went very well. Jack Britt from Australia, Madison Armstrong from Alabama, Natalie Pyeatt from Missouri, and Elmer Beechy from Missouri attended. It was Elmers' first trip to Idaho and the second time for the others. We worked on fifty to sixty head of horses the second week with everyone getting plenty of experience. A special thanks to our veterinarian, Randy Harney who has been on board for the school for fourteen years. We are looking forward to October sessions that are just around the corner.
8 15 2023
We have just finished our June Sessions. One of the highlights of our June classes was the Advanced Certification of Jami S. Jones of Hedley, TX on five head of horses, one age group birth to five, one age group six to eleven, one age group twelve to eighteen and two geriatric, age group nineteen and up. Another highlight of the second week was the arrival of Dale's new 416 page full color book; Equine Gnathology; we will be using this text in our upcoming classes.
Thanks to everyone attending the June Sessions. A special thanks to Karl Brough, Master Equine Gnathological Practitioner, lead instructor, our school veterinarian, Randy Harney DVM and all the folks at World Wide Equine instrument company for backing us up the way they do with their great instrumentation. All classes were held in our renovated facility at 357 East 4th, Glenns Ferry, Idaho 83623. Upcoming classes will be held the first two full weeks of August and October. See class dates for more information.
John Hoeck
"World wide Equine has truly stepped up the quality of power dental instrumentation. They run as smooth as silk, do not " spit out" the key drive cables. And are ergonomically designed to get the job done. I have found to have less wore out burrs, less sedation needed per head, and less down time in the last year. I attribute this to using the new World Wide power technology and support. The educational, and service supplied by World Wide also puts this company up there with the best also. In all honesty I rank World Wide Equine neck and neck with Leupold Stevens as the number one companies I deal with. Thanks for a Job well done! John Hoeck D.V.M. Owner and President Hoeck Veterinary Services."
EGTI Class Sessions for 2023 will be held at our new facility, 357 East 4th , in Glenns Ferry, Idaho during January, April, June, August, and October of 2023.
EGTI will hold a weekend dissection course between Session I and Session II classes in April 2021. Check Schedule for details.
Octrober 2020: We have just finished our very successful October Sessions I & II with 15 students attending, 5 instructors and over 80 head of horses receiving great dental work. We have three new certified gnathological practitioners; they are John Martino, Dallas Quintanilla and Shane Vonberg. Best wishes to everyone in attendance; hope to see all of you again soon. The EGTI staff.
June 2020: We have just finished our very successful June Sessions I & II with 12 students attending, 5 instructors and 80 head of horses receiving great dental work. Best wishes to everyone in attendance; hope to see all of you again soon. The EGTI staff.
October 2019: We have just finished our very successful October Sessions I & II. It was one of our best classes ever with 12 students attending, 5 instructors and 85 head of horses receiving great gnathological husbandry. Best wishes to everyone in attendance; hope to see all of you again soon. The EGTI staff.
February, 2018: EGTI and WWE held a two day open house right after the IAED Boise, Idaho convention. Thank you to everyone who attended and best wishes to all.
October 2017 Class: What a great group; all with good intent and very steady. Best wishes to all. The EGTI staff.
June 2017 Class: We were blessed with another wonderful group of people from around the world. Hearts were filled with joy and brains filled with knowledge. Thank You Lord! See you all again soon. The EGTI Staff. Our next sessions start in October. Click on "Dates" at the top of the page.
April 2017 Class was a huge success with a variety of students on board from first time students to advanced level practitioners with worlds of experience.
October 2016: Another successful set of classes completed; we expect to see you all again soon. Thank you to all our associates from the EGTI staff and World Wide Equine.
June 2016: We just finished a very successful June advanced class. Thank you Chris Edmonds for your wonderful knowledge and lectures on the History and Future of Bitting. It was a joy to have you in Idaho and thank you for sharing your time with us.
IAED TRAINING SESSION; NORTHHAMPTON, MASS., MAY 2016; Thank You to Doug Raucher, family and friends for sharing your home and ranch for the IAED training and testing. It was truly an honor to be your guest and see so many old and new friends.
Love you all, Dale Jeffrey
Look For Us In Texas at The IAED Convention; We Have New MMXV Power Hand Floats for You!
See Class Dates for Our 2016 and 2017 Regular Sessions and Advanced Classes
Our December 2015 advanced class was a roaring success. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2016.
October 19, 2015
EGTI just finished our regular October Sessions I and II. We had nine participants with Pat Powers certifying at our fundamental level.
June 12, 2015
I was awarded the lifetime achievement award at the January 2015 IAED meeting in Fort Worth Texas. Karl and I continued on to Eastern Texas after the meeting where we visited a ranch and picked up fifty to sixty skulls that we later boiled and entered into the school library. April and June classes have been full with great participants. Our next scheduled classes are slated for
October 2015. Dale Jeffrey, Principal
I will be at the International meeting in Texas, 2016. Dale Jeffrey
Equine Gnathology Defined
Equine gnathology is the study of masticatory systems, including their physiology, functional disturbances, and treatment techniques. Gnathology requires extremely accurate equilibration and prophylaxis, verifying the work as it progresses, applying all well founded neuromuscular gnathological principles, and rechecking the work continually.
The heart of equine gnathology revolves around efficient comfortable mastication and optimum performance.
Because equine gnathology is not generally a part of veterinary or dental school training most is learned through and from experienced mentors.
April Gnathology Class 2012
By Steve Sampson
The Gnathology Class for April, 2012 has just finished. There were six students from across the United States and there was even a student from Israel. The first week was spent studying anatomy, theory, mastication, equilibration techniques, and the interdependent planes of occlusion of the incisors and molars.
I arrived on the last day of the lecture series, met the students and began to become familiar with them. They were all well versed in horsemanship with a variety of expertise in divers disciplines. Although the variation was obvious, the common thread that bound them together was a desire to learn and succeed in the coming practical application phase of their newly acquired knowledge.
There was an obvious feeling of excitement and apprehension about the upcoming week. I had several private conversations that helped reassure a few of the students in their moments of self-doubt. I think it helped to hear from an old-timer that Dale and Bert are not only the most competent and patient technical instructors, I had ever met, they are both compassionate men who will put forth every effort to teach these students the principles of practical Gnathology.
Robert and Chuck, both of whom are farriers, spent the weekend trimming and shoeing Dale’s herd of horses. I joined them and did some fire work with the shoes. We compared notes and had a great time together.
Chuck and Dennis worked with some young horses that were yet to be started and within a few hours they were riding them in the corral. They each rode one of the horses they started on a student trail ride in the high desert above the Snake River that weekend and their horses did as well as the seasoned horses.
Both of these young men, obviously had backgrounds in starting young horses and employed their techniques with little or no trauma to the horses. The students and instructors were all impressed with their ability to start young horses.
Carl and Travis, a pair of young stockmen, and I, put on a demonstration of breaking yearling steers to the yoke and harness by driving one of Dale’s future six-up Brown Swiss oxen in a Red River Cart. The students enjoyed the unique demonstration and began to appreciate the difference between oxen and horses.
All of the activities helped alleviate the apprehension over the upcoming week in the wet lab.
Dale mentioned to me that the students took it upon themselves to start the young horses and work on the hooves. He also noted that they did everything as a group. They cooked and traveled together, and they supported each other. Dale figured they were a special group and that we would see some unique work during the coming week. We were not to be disappointed.
Monday morning started with typical confusion and frustration, the students were trying to work with un-sedated horses and were experiencing the normal resistance. At a certain point, Dale, Bert or I would step in and show them that it was not the horse’s fault; the problem was within their own technique and attitude; since, the ability to work with un-sedated horses must be initiated from within the heart and mind of the human.
Turning the seemingly difficult horses into willing patients who wanted to receive Gnatholoy treatment opened the eyes of the students and put them in the frame of mind to really absorb the principles of advanced horsemanship that are required to work with un-sedated horses.
The new float blade receiver design, (that I can say with pride that I came up with on my last trip), proved to be a tremendous advantage in floating horses with sore cheeks and tongues. The horses seem to actually appreciate the difference, as if it is an act of kindness. The practitioner will now find he will be able to float many more horses without disturbing the areas that have been previously traumatized; thus many horses will be less reactive during simple equilibration procedures.
The students began a steady advancement in equilibration techniques and analysis of the different malocclusions by Monday afternoon. On Tuesday morning they had sore muscles and an appreciation for the technical aspects of identifying problems, of making the correct adjustments, and of how to leave the mouth in a state of balance for maximum feed conversion, equilibrium during performance, of how to optimize the bridle response, and of what is required to accomplish these objectives with minimal trauma to the mouth. With each passing day the students gained a greater grasp of these concepts; their progress could be judged by their questions. By Thursday and Friday, the instructors needed to reach a little deeper to come up with answers to some thought provoking questions.
It was satisfying to watch the students advance and know that some of the horsemanship of the past is being passed on to the younger generations. Thus horsemanship will have a chance to survive in a day and age, when the public is all too quick to rely on sedation, instead of horsemanship to work on horses. There are now six more people who know there is another way, and they will influence hundreds more with their newly acquired skills.
To those six students, I must say, congratulations for putting forth such effort, I am sure your efforts will be rewarded, not just in monetary terms, but more importantly in realizing you now have the ability to improve the lives of thousands of horses.
Steve Sampson
August 2012 Class
We have just completed a successful August class. Seven students attended with Mike Degner certifiying on three horses.
Bert and I ran five classes in 2013. It seems like we have been going non stop for quite some time. Our next classes start in April of 2014 and it looks like we will be booked full for the year. We have more reasons to be grateful than we can count.
Dale Jeffrey, Principal
We have just finished our Sessions for 2014 ending with a great class and field trip around Southern Idaho.
Thank you everyone for your participation. We hope to see each of you again soon.
Dale jeffrey, Principal
A Registered, Bonded and Insured Proprietary School
Idaho State Board of Education
Equine Gnathological Training Institute, Inc.
2050 East Medicine Wheel Lane
King Hill, Idaho 83633 USA
Dale's Cell: 208-869-1002
Office: 208-366-2828 Fax: 208-366-2870
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